Interim Management

What is Interim Management? It is a temporary provision of services inside Client’s organization, with a clearly defined objective, scope and time and oriented on achieving particular business results.

In certain situations company’s human resources will not suffice to achieve particular objectives and challenges lying ahead. This might be the case e.g. when the company needs to be reorganized. Even the best restructuring program cannot get executed by itself. You need personnel with proper qualifications and experience in implementing such programs. Where to find them?

MGW CCG has a team of qualified managers available that may temporarily share their long-term experience to enterprises in need. Depending on what a Client needs, they might be Financial Directors, Management Board Members , Restructuring Directors, Controlling Directors or Supervisory Board Members. Their main responsibility is to achieve the goals agreed on with a Company in a specific time frame, drawing from their own experience and MGW CCG’s analytical and business resources. Their mission is complete when a particular project has been closed, and then they have delegated their positions to persons dedicated by the Businessperson. The scope of works within each project and the remuneration are negotiated individually.


Mariusz Grajda
Mariusz Grajda
Managing Partner
T: +48 22 292 81 11
M: +48 603 803 388