Leasing Help Desk
There is a number of phenomena throughout a leasing agreement that are difficult to grasp even for those specializing in leasing, finance, time value of money, etc. As a rule, they regard amendments to agreements arising from fortuitous events (a loss) or one party’s actions (early termination of agreement).
MGW may offer you its support through HELP DESK services. This service is free of charge for those using a Leasing Monitor pack. For other clients it is provided for a [flat-rate payment].
Our support focuses most of all on analyzing draft annexes amending agreements (renewal, termination, etc.), both in terms of financial conditions (pre- and post-annex market profit analysis) and proposed legal provisions. We know from practical experience that leasing companies are trying to use an annex to increase their margin profit. Also, additional terms might be introduced that would be unfavorable for the lessee. Furthermore, settling an agreement that was terminated early might bring more or fewer benefits, but you need to run certain calculations and then negotiate with a leasing company, if necessary.
Besides main aspects of support, we may conduct an analysis of means of transport tax liabilities (this is a place where the lessors often make mistakes) or validity of charging selected fees from the Pricing Tariff of the leasing company.
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